• Unblock Your Potential

    Let go of old baggage, disempowering beliefs, and a story that no longer serves you. Shatter old thinking at the deepest level.

  • Gain Clarity

    Are you confused, indecisive, or second guessing yourself? You will be crystal clear why you've been doubting yourself.

  • Begin Again

    Trust your intuition, become your biggest cheerleader, and begin to feel the joy and satisfaction of pursuing your dreams.

Real People, Real Change.

Here's what some clients had to say! To read more, see reviews on https://mayraleen.com/real-people-real-change/ or click google reviews.

Unleash Your Potential

Experience the award-winning Rapid Transformational Method which has transformed thousands of lives!

  • Release outdated beliefs

  • Reprogram your brain

  • Reactivate confidence and self-belief

So, what exactly is included?

Magnetic Confidence Full Rapid Transformational Therapy Session ($555 Value) 

Sink into a deep inner awareness and be guided with the award-winning Rapid Transformational Therapy method to uncover the root cause of your issue. 

Access your subconscious and give your soul a voice to get new insights on blockages and be relaxed enough to allow new neural pathways to make confidence, success, and intuition your new natural state. 


Powerful Lasting Results Audio Recording 

A hypnotic meditation to listen for 21 days after the session to solidify results and reinforce the new empowering beliefs. 

Plus, 21-day support program includes: 

BONUS #1: One on One Coaching Call with Mayra Leen ($99 Value) 

Have your questions answered in a supportive environment. 

BONUS #2: Magnetic Confidence Masterclass ($99 Value)

Powerful results can be achieved when combined with conscious tools. Get practical tips for letting go and stepping into your dream life. 

BONUS #3: Weekly Reflective Assignments ($47 Value)

Get clarity and focus with journal prompts and assignments to expand growth.  


You Get It ALL For Just: $47 

(That's 76% OFF)

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Week 1

    • Onboarding

    • Before your session...

    • Magnetic Confidence Rapid Transformational Hypnotreatment

    • Week 1 Assignment

    • Daily Meditation for Magnetic Confidence

    • Check-in

  • 2

    Week 2

    • Week 2 Assignment

    • EXTRA CREDIT: Week 2 Assignment

    • Coaching Call / Q&A

    • Check-In

  • 3

    Week 3

    • Magnetic Confidence Masterclass

    • Week 3 Assignment

    • EXTRA CREDIT: Week 3 Assignment

    • You Did It!

  • 4


    • BONUS: Meditation for Self-Trust Blocks (Post 21-days)


  • What's the time commitment?

    The Rapid Transformational Hypnotreatment will be 90 minutes scheduled on your own time during Week 1 plus a 15 minute meditation recording will be provided for you to listen to daily. To take advantage of the bonuses, expect an additional hour or so in Week 2 and Week 3.

  • What if I have other issues I want to address besides confidence?

    Experiencing a hypnotreatment which addressed deep-rooted blocks can have trickling effects to various areas in your life. However, you can always set up a one-on-one session to address any other specific issues.

  • Will you offer other group sessions in the future?

    This is an ongoing program and you can join any week. Future programs are expected on various topics, but have not been announced yet.

  • Is this a live one-on-one session?

    This is an on-demand session, and is JUST as effective as a live group session. How? The changes that occur during the session are all within you - so regardless if Mayra is live or with a group or one-on-one, you will receive the same transformative experience. Mayra will be able to guide your mind to reveal the root cause and identify key insights that can change old beliefs. This is the key to transformation! Plus, Mayra provides detailed instructions to ensure you have the best experience.

  • Can I take the session more than once?

    Yes! That's the beauty of on-demand. You can retake the session if you desire. The same session can give you new insights primarily because of your evolution and perspective at the time. It's possible to uncover new blocks with the same session.

  • What if I still have a question?

    Email [email protected]